To listen to…

We are big on all things audio, from music to books on cd or radio drama.  Did I mention that we are big on these?  As much as I love audio books I’ve been searching for more radio drama for the kids.  Thought I’d start to compile a list for others.  These are all Biblical based. 


Our favorite is Jonathon Park (We’ve only listen to the adventures ones.)


But these other ones are not far behind.


Adventures in Odyssey by Focus on the Family  (We’ve listen to every volume and episodes, I believe they are on volume 57)



G.T. and the Halo Express



Life at The Pond


Down Gilead Lane by CBH Ministries (we’ve only listen to the first volume and this series has over 12 volumes.)


Link for listening online to some of these radio drama’s


Some others that we’ve just started to listen to are: (And while these are good, they are not our top pick, they are a little “homeschoolish” for us.  I think these are probably better for younger kids not for older kids)


A place to listen online with links


Karen and Kids


Paws and Tales




If you have other radio drama that you listen to please leave a comment.  I’d love to know if there is more out there.

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